Freedom is the Foundation
Available now! Get ready for an impactful ride as Freedom Foundation CEO Aaron Withe's debut book hits shelves, delivering unfiltered truths about government unions.
Freedom is the Foundation is both a roadmap to recovering freedom in America and a stirring account of how dedicated patriots are taking on—and intending to defeat—the most powerful lobby for wokeness and Big Government bullying in America.
Click the link below to purchase Freedom is the Foundation.

“The Freedom Foundation is figuratively and literally writing the book on how to defeat government unions in America. It is one of very few nonprofits in America getting real and measurable results. Aaron’s book is a wakeup call on where America is heading if we continue to be beholden to radical teachers union bosses. Every socialist in America should read his book, and perhaps they’d actually see where they’re taking this country. The Freedom Foundation is Randi Weingarten's worst nightmare.” - Mike Huckabee

"Aaron Withe and his team at the Freedom Foundation are doing work that I wish could have been done in Britain decades ago. If America is to continue to be the most free and prosperous country in the world, then the Freedom Foundation must win its fight against government unions. They have already been able to help hundreds of thousands of public employees to leave their unions, forcing union bosses into early retirement." - Nigel Farage